2024-2025 School Year

For applications filled out and submitted online the application fee is $50. All fees are to be submitted directly to Briercrest. Application fees may be paid by calling 1-800-667-5199 with your credit card number or by sending a cheque/money order in the mail. Please do not send cash.

Briercrest College and Seminary
Attn: Admissions
510 College Drive
Caronport, SK S0H 0S0

Upon acceptance, the student is required to pay a non-refundable $200 confirmation of enrollment deposit. This amount will be credited to the student's account as a down payment on tuition.

A second non-refundable confirmation deposit of $800 is due by June 1. Make sure you have paid the full $1000 deposit by the due date because it reserves your spot in the Kaléo program. A late payment will mean that you risk the chance of someone else taking your spot in the program.


  • Tuition - $11,340
  • Room and Board - $8,350
  • Specialty Program Fees - $1,910
  • Total - $21,600
  • Textbooks - $350 (Approximate amount; actual amount will be charged to the student's account)
  • A minimum amount of $600 - $700 will need to be fundraised for a local missions trip. The out of country option missions trip costs that will need to be fundraised is approximately $1700 - $1800)
  • There is also cost associated with clothing (non-cotton layers, winter and rain clothes, etc.) and gear (hiking boots, sleeping bag and mat, hiking backpack, etc.) needed for the outtrips. The cost will vary based on what students already own or can borrow, what quality of gear they purchase, and whether it is purchased new or used. The total for new gear can range from $500 (lower quality) to $1300+ (high quality, brand name). A full list of required clothing and gear is sent to applicants.

The $1,000 deposit paid by June 1 is applied against this cost in January (so your remaining balance would be $9,800). Tuition amounts are subject to change without notice.

September payment - $10,800 + books
January payment - $9,800 + books


  • Tuition - $11,628
  • Room and Board - $8,562
  • Specialty Program Fees - $1,960
  • Total - $22,150
  • Textbooks - $350 (Approximate amount; actual amount will be charged to the student's account)
  • A minimum amount of $600 - $700 will need to be fundraised for a local missions trip. The out of country option missions trip costs that will need to be fundraised is approximately $1700 - $1800)
  • There is also cost associated with clothing (non-cotton layers, winter and rain clothes, etc.) and gear (hiking boots, sleeping bag and mat, hiking backpack, etc.) needed for the outtrips. The cost will vary based on what students already own or can borrow, what quality of gear they purchase, and whether it is purchased new or used. The total for new gear can range from $500 (lower quality) to $1300+ (high quality, brand name). A full list of required clothing and gear is sent to applicants.

The $1,000 deposit paid by June 1 is applied against this cost in January (so your remaining balance would be $10,075). Tuition amounts are subject to change without notice.

September payment - $11,075 + books
January payment - $10,075 + books

Deposit Policy

Accepted applicants are required to make a $1000 deposit by June 1 to secure their seat in the program. This deposit is non-refundable and is applied to the second payment for the program which is due in January.

Payment Methods

Payment can be made to Briercrest College and Seminary for the Kaléo program by credit card, pre-authorized debit, cheque, bill payment, e-transfer, wire transfer, or bank transfer. For full details, please click here (scroll down to "How and Where to Pay").

Refund Policy

A student who withdraws from the program will be refunded based on the following schedule:

  • Up to September 30/January 31: 50 per cent refund (deposit not refunded first half of program)
  • Up to October 15/February 15: 25 per cent refund (deposit not refunded first half of program)
  • After October 15/February 15: no refund (deposit not refunded first half of program)

Should the student withdraw during the 2nd half of the program, the deposit will be applied to any outstanding balance.

Payment Plans

Payment for each semester is due in full at check-in in September and January unless an alternate payment plan has been established. A payment agreement will be required after the confirmation deposit is paid—one of the payment plans below can be selected. To ensure prompt payments on due dates, students can set up pre-authorized payments. Providing banking information for pre-authorized debit, credit card information, or post-dated cheques allows fees to be paid on schedule with little effort.

2 Payments

Full semester fees are due on the first day of each semester (registration day in September and the first day of class in January).

4 Payments

Half the semester fees are due on the first day of the semester and the second half are due at the end of the following month. There is no payment plan fee, and interest will only be charged on overdue accounts.

  • Fall semester dates: registration day, October 15
  • Winter semester dates: first day of class, February 15
Personal payment plan

A personal plan may be made between the student and the Student Finance office. Approval for such plans will be granted by the Student Financial Adviser after receiving the payment agreement and prior to Registration Day. A $50 payment plan fee will be assessed each semester. Plans may not extend past the last day of class each semester. Please note: personal payment plans are at the discretion of the Student Financial Adviser.

Student Loans

You can apply for a student loan to help pay for tuition, books, room and board, and personal expenses. If you are eligible, Canada Student Loans are the best kind, as they do not charge interest during your education. Contact the Student Finance office if you need further help understanding how to apply for loans.

Student loans must be approved by September 30/January 30. If the student loan is not confirmed by these dates, the student must enter the 4 Payments plan.

Questions are always welcome

Please contact the Student Financial Advisor at Briercrest College and Seminary:

Phone:  306.801.5117 (call or text)

Email: studentfinance@briercrest.ca.